Monday, July 26, 2010

One Year!

Amazing that it has already been a whole year since Summer joined our family!

Sunday, we invited our friends and family to join us at Southlakes park for a celebration. Yes, it was hot, but everybody had a good time in the shaded pavilion we reserved. The kids didn't seem to notice the scorching temps as they ran up and down the playgrounds and slid down slides that could cook eggs.

Summer was a little on the shy side from feeling overwhelmed at the crowd. She's been going through some stranger anxiety lately and was not sure what to do about all the attention from so many people, some of which she doesn't get to see often enough.

The ice-cream cone cakes were a hit! Several kids thought it was ice-cream and were trying to like the frosting instead of eating it:)

When it came time for her cake, Summer enjoyed being sung too, but didn't dig in to her cake until Bill took her out of the high-chair and held her. Then, she covered her face in icing and cake and loved every minute of it.

Summer got some really neat new toys to play with (Brooke is busy testing them all out for little sister), and a TON of ADORABLE clothes!! We've never seen so many clothes for one little girl! We were all feelin' the love:) Summer wasn't really sure what to think of the present extravagance and seemed mostly unimpressed.

After cake and presents the big kids got to pick out a small bank to paint and take with them. It was a great activity to get them out of the sun for a bit.

So, at one year old, Summer is just barely off of formula. Last Friday, she threw a toddler-sized tantrum after nap when she didn't get a bottle. It only got worse when I tried to give her whole milk in the bottle. So, thinking it would take some time to completely wean her off of formula, we bought a couple more cans since we were out. And of course, the next day, Summer acted like it was no big deal and downed an entire cup of milk after nap...go figure. Guess those cans will be going to a table at the next JBF sale:)

She eats like a champ and is eating all table food now. Sometimes, however, she still isn't satisfied after a full meal so she'll get a jar of baby fruit which she still loves! Just this morning (which I know is technically AFTER her birthday so she didn't do it in her first year) she fed herself a bowl of cereal with a spoon. Her hand-eye coordination is astounding!

In a short two weeks or so, Summer has cut 4 teeth and has two more close behind! That explains a lot of the recent fussiness...or so we hope!

She is also taking just one nap now, unless of course she falls asleep in the car. For the most part, she is handling the change well but the hour or so before lunch is the hardest time for her. Usually the paci helps, but we're trying to break her of the need for that except while sleeping. One thing at a time I guess!

Summer is a full time walker and has been for a couple weeks now. She loves to play outside just like Brooke and squeals when we get her shoes out!

Some other things Summer has been doing for quite some time are waving, dancing, and using the sign for "more".

Summer just had her 12month checkup today and is doing well. She is taller than Brooke was at this age, but doesn't weigh much more so she still seems pretty tiny. I guess we just grow 'em petite around here;)

So, without further wait, here is Summer at 12 months....

Oh, and because they're just so are some pictures of Summer stylin' some of her new diggs.


  1. Too cute! She reminds me so much of Brooke in the picture with the bear, but I don't normally think that in person!

  2. Cute!! I can't believe she's already one!! :)
